Monday, May 4, 2009

Made it to the resort


Marc and I finally left Nanaimo last Wednesday and spent 2 days at Louise and Sulo's place. Check it out, what a wonderful spot.

On Friday morning after a bit of shopping we left with the Arrantide, geoduck's fishing boat and made it to the resort in about 2 hours. We unpacked my stuff in the trailer and went up to the staff kitchen and met André the staff cook, yes André is French. Marc and I helped him clean up the kitchen for another season so that was my first day of work.

Next day Marc left the resort around 10am, wow it felt weird leaving me here alone..oups no with Bobine. I felt like I was staying in a retreat of some sort not allowed to go out. I spent the day again cleaning the kitchen with André, poor guy thank god I was there to help otherwise he would have worked 24/24 to get everything ready to cook for the staff for Monday.
It rain so hard during the night I didn't know it could rain that hard...yes more than home.
Don't need any alarms clock here, as soon as I here the door from the trailer next to me open I know the boss is up so time for me to get up.

Sunday was some running around with Adele (the boss) and she showed me where everything was, the buildings and all. Finished the day cleaning up the men's staff I didn't know men standards of
what clean is.... was not like us women... well I kinda knew.. hahah.

Sunday night I am lost, dont know what's the date or day anymore. Weird feeling. No TV, no radio, no cell just my laptop. Everything could shut down in Nanaimo and I wouldn't even know unless someone emails me... yes I want emails.

Monday, I spent all day in the office with Adele. I sat on the couch with my laptop, 2 dogs on the couch next two me and one on my feet. Outside 3-4 poneys are looking at me in th window and wondering when I'll go see them. This is awsome, no stress here, for now anyway as there are no guest till the 24th.

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