Thursday, May 21, 2009

3 days till opening

Well I've been home and now back at it. It’s awesome to be in the big trailer, feel more like my home.
Bobine also is happier (I think) hahah.

Yesterday I went to kitchen staff to get myself a plate of fabulous food and on my way out 3 step down there was Yogi Bear looking right at me. Decision... keep going to my trailer or turn back right into the kitchen. I decided to go for the trailer thinking if he comes at me I'll give him my plate and he just stayed there looking at me like thinking where is MY plate. Wow lots of stuff happening around here. We're almost full staff so almost to many people in the staff kitchen for me but at the same time lots of new faces, new discussion, lots of new stories. I do sometime bring my plate to my trailer and eat with Bobine who is begging me for a bite.
I still ride my bike to work and love it. Sunny day today but still a cool wind.

Just got news that Pascal will be leaving Grande Prairie on Saturday to return to Nanaimo. Planning to go back to BCIT for 3rd year apprentice for Machinist.

Did save some money today for the Resort on printing cost. I have great contacts in Nanaimo.

Meesha is doing great, she’s a sucker… trop cute surtout quand elle wiggle la queue, tout bouge d’un coup.

Tomorrow I am setting up the gift shop. Lots of stuff in there wow.

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