Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mardi je pense

Bon mon dieu je ne sais meme plus quelle journee nous sommes, je suis oubligee de regarder le calendrier.
Well I still like it, marc is here with me since Sunday afternoon. He's done tremendous improvement in the staff kitchen, built new shelves, cleaned storage room and help cook Andre with dishes and all. I think he's leaving tomorrow.
Got a phone call from Pascal he's thinking of coming back to Nanaimo for a while and go back to BCIT, will see this weekend what he decides. Would be nice to have him home for a while.
Yesterday one of the dogs got hurt by a bear, don't forget they are working dogs chasing bears and that one did get a little too brave and he got it by the bear paw. He did turn around and went right back at him. He has a chunck of skin gone on his side. Was not too good last night but this morning he's back running around and ready to go back at work.
Mat is off work for 2 days so I take care of Meesha. (I am her grandma after all..hahaha)
Nice sunny day today, suppose to rain for a few days after sun for two weeks.
I should be moving in the other trailer in the next day or 2. Will be able to unpack all my stuff.


1 comment:

  1. Fun d'avoir un Marc sur place .Chanceuse.
    Est-ce que tu t'habitue bien?
    Je pars pour la Baie James lundi.


