Monday, May 4, 2009

Life at the resort

Well I've been here 4 days now and life here is unbelievable. 20 feet from my trailer are the horses barn, yes I do smell it but hey...I smell as worst in the morning when I go to the bathroom after Marc so there is no change there for me...
Then another 20 feet in front of the trailer is a big field where normally the horses spend their time, everyday I see black bears, the dogs from the resort will run to them and circle them and bark, bark and bark like they're telling them hey you're close enough go away. They don't even move, they just continue eating and off they go. The second day I was there one came right under the staff kitchen, apparently it's really common. Before entering a building if the door is open we always check that it's a human being in there because it might be a papa bear.

It's has been raining most of the four days I've been here except the day I arrived (27 degrees)

Bobine is awesome, going around with no leash for the first time in her life, making friends with the other dogs, I think she will have favorite ones. She's follows me everywhere and make sure she can see me.

Yes I do miss Marc and home but this is an adventure for both of us not to forget that he has been working out of town for the last 20 years so we know what it's like to be apart for weeks at the time and it looks that I might be home every 10-14 days after all. I'll just wait and see what it will be like when we have guests and maybe I'll be here for longer period..????

Food is great I don't have to kook starting today. We have 3 meals a day cooked for us and food in the fridge as we want. I think I won't want to cook anymore when I get home. Can get use to this really quick.

We're supposed to get up to 80km winds tonight hope the trailer is attached to something hahahah. Bobine will be shaking like crazy.

Well bath time and probably in bed by 8:30-9pm

Love you all


  1. Allô la fille de RESORT
    Prends beaucoup de photos...
    Va falloir se faire un slideshow en arrivant.
    Dis bonjour à Matthieu,
    et thank god for computers.....
    Bobine va pu vouloir revenir si elle se fait un boyfriend là-bas !!!!!
    Home every 14 days,that sounds like the perfect job...
    prends bien soin de toi la belle.

  2. J'ai fait plein de "comments ce matin mais je crois que j'ai été censurée?????

  3. OK je réessaye de t'écrire.
    Je crois qu'il faut être un "follower "pour pouvoir écrire un "comments?!?!?!
